Discovery of anticancer targets for triple-negative breast cancer through comparative analysis of gene dependency score
Bo Kyung Kim 1 · Gahee Kim 2,3 · Wonhee Hur 2 · Yoojin Choi 4 · Suhyun Hwangbo 5 · Jae Yong Ryu 1,6
1 Department of Biotechnology , Duksung Women’s University , Seoul 01369 , Korea
2 Division of Chronic Viral Diseases, Center for Emerging Virus Research , Korea National Institute of Health , Cheongju 363951 , Korea
3 Department of Pharmacy , Chungbuk National University , Cheongju 28644 , Korea
4 Department of Chemistry , Research Institute of Chem-Bio Diagnostic Technology, Chung-Ang University , Seoul 06974 , Korea
5 Department of Genomic Medicine , Seoul National University Hospital , Seoul 03080 , Korea
6 Artifi cial Intelligence Laboratory , Oncocross Co., Ltd , Seoul 04168 , Korea